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Waterfall - Nina Heaton Empowerment Intuitive

Nina Heaton
Empowerment Intuitive

Nina empowers you to find the confidence, clarity and wholeness within.

About Me
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Meet Nina

From a very young age Nina discovered she could ‘tune in’ to people and situations. At this time, she had no idea this would be such an integral part of her work and her life.  It has proven to be an invaluable tool for helping people like you to break free of your own perceived limitations and do what previously seemed to be impossible.

About Nina

Joy Through Empowering Others

“My own personal journey of perceived limitations and obstacles in life have been invaluable in helping me to help others. I enjoy connecting people to their self confidence and know I can help you live a confident life with clarity."

Highly Experienced

From a background in personal and professional coaching, holistic therapies (Reiki), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Matrix Energetics* Nina has developed a deep emotional intelligence and unique ability to observe deep within her clients to find their true essence. She has refined her skills by empowering many loyal and repeat customers over several decades.

Conscious Art

Alongside this client work, Nina started painting about 12 years ago. Her passion is painting with acrylics and she has created a collection of original Conscious Art that is used on many designs.  She has discovered that she has the ability to embed her paintings with specific frequencies which have resulted in highly transformative spontaneous healings in some clients.

The Nina Heaton Empowerment System

Today, Nina is a leader in her field, having developed a unique system of empowerment that is gentle, healing and incredibly effective. She brings two elements together to enable complete integration and healing. The healing begins with the unseen; unearthing the hidden obstacles within you, then healing with the seen; using the power of Nina's frequency embedded art.   Discover more.

Healing Innovator

Nina is an innovator and continues to experiment and explore new ways of becoming even more creative with her work: "My never ending curiosity continues, I’m compelled to enquire and question, explore and innovate new ways for betterment of myself and for you."

Nina and Roisin talk about how the song Time To Be Free came about.                         

*Matrix Energetics is a modality based on quantum physics and the field of the heart

Nina's Thoughts

Nina says "Over the decades I’ve discovered that something quite special happens when the foundation of the healing and guidance is collaborative, meaning your input is essential.

This creative and intuitive collaboration is part of the empowerment process. It creates ease of growth, sustainable evolution and liberation within you. It’s your input that creates the magic!"

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The information on this website provided by Nina Heaton does not claim to diagnose, cure or treat any illness. Always consult your healthcare providers before seeking any other advice. Always continue medication and refer to your doctor for advice.

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